Sivakar Sithamparanathan

Sivakar Sithamparanathan

Software Engineer | Fullstack Developer | Writer

Writing software is an art. You can solve the same problem in countless ways but all solutions are not the same. Good solutions require more than bare minimum work. It takes a lot of thoughtful decisions. I write code that has low coupling and high cohesion, looking several steps ahead, so my work in the future flows smoothly, others can understand my work easily and it is possible to organically build on top of it. I consider this aspect more important than knowing languages and frameworks.

Still, I know languages and frameworks. I have always been a quick learner. In school, I mastered things like Integral Calculus and Organic Chemistry in a month. It on took me a month to internalize the fundamentals of Java. I can spot patterns across subjects that help me learn things easily. For example, my knowledge of Node.js and Laraval allowed me to get up to speed on Spring so easily. I spent months internalizing React concepts but then I could that learn Vue in a matter of days.

In places where I have worked, I am often entrusted with prototypes, MVPs, and proof-of-concept software. I work very fast. I have a good command of written language and I am good at making notes that are concise and complete. Both for my brainstorming and for communication.

I have several interests outside CS. Economics, psychology, and linguistics to name a few. I practice mindfulness, learn foreign languages, read a lot, and maintain fitness all to improve my cognitive abilities. I am driven by the curiosity to learn about human civilization and to contribute to human civilization in any meaningful way possible.