
[DRAFT 1] Journaling transformed my life. I got a lot less stressfull. I got more creative. My ability to plan got a big boost. It was like I have upgraded my hardware. I got more RAM in my head.

I got to articulate thing well. That gave me a breakthrough in my social status and career. I had this problem all my life. I had thoughts and I could not put them to words. I always could get ideas. But I was not getting it across to people.

When I write my journals, I go on a freewheeling ride. I don't think about paragarpahs. I don't want ot edit. I write things the way they go. No overthinking. The style is something I discovered on my own. Things fell in place without me realing. I was amazed and proud. I had collected all these ideas and knowledge over the year. But only now I am seeing them written done.

It was liberating experience. Before this everytime I try to write, I overthink and overwhelm myself. I am stuck editing. Maybe the editing featurs that come with comptutes isn't always a blessing. I always wanted everyting to be perfect that I was thinking of the output, the product when typing. But journaling made me realize the process is all about dealing with the thoughts in the mind. And working to ther this. There is no audience. It is about going where the mind is taking me. It wasn't coherent at first. But I evolved quickly. I write really good stuff.

I don't write to read. But I have a whole stash. I go revisit them sometimes. I see how fa I have come. Language is the single biggest human invention. But so many of us as so bad at it. I was bad at ti. But I got it. No big tool was requied. A simple app. Pen and paper would have done the deal too.