
[DRAFT 1] It took a lot of trial and error for me to crack how to use Notion. But when everything finally clicked, a huge weight was lifted off my head.

The first big breakthrough came when I want to deal with my axieties by creating a database for all the things. I added things in sparotically. And then I saw that for each item, I can add notes piece by piece, again at irregular intervals. Whenever I was in the mood for it.

I had gotten better at brainstorming with bullet points. I was using it mostly for work. Then I got to add them to Notion to collect them in one place. I loved how the notes you want to make can be very simple or very elaborate. For complex things, you could page inside page inside page.

I then created a database for all the long term goals. Todo lists never worked for me. Trials and error thee always left me anxious. Things getting long there made me feel bad, put a lot of pressrure. Every thing there is either not done or done. There are deadlien too.

Then I watched a video that resonated with me. About how deadlines and plans based on time are bad. I just have to work on what I feel like. Take the task I am just in the mood for and get into the flow state. When I did it with Notion, having a database for each long term task, I woudl do soemethign adn put notes. Them collecting.

This was I got to feel good every time I did something for the long term task. I was breaking it down to pieces in a nice way. I was feeling delighted when the notes got bigger and the task got longer. Before that if something is getting bigger, I would start feeling overwhelmed. Now I feel I can freely go deep into something. This inversion is the greatest thigns that supercharged my productivity.

Then I got into the Notion's in-house template for Project and everything is task. It is better than what i did on my own. I am dealing with a hundred parallal task. Some tasks are just braingtroming. Some tasks are about changing habits and go on for months. Some are about coding. Some are bureaucracy.

I am now all set to conquer the world of complexity with the new tricks and techniques of oraganization I am fine-tuning every day.